Amy Slaton, star of “1000-lb Sisters,” has stunned fans with her transformational weight loss.

The Journey of the “1000-lb Sisters”

The TLC series “1000-lb Sisters” has become a guilty pleasure for many in the U.S. and beyond. It follows the lives of Amy and Tammy Slaton, who once weighed over 1,000 pounds combined and depend on each other for support. The series depicts their struggles as morbidly obese women striving for health and happiness.

A Fan-Favorite Show

Similar to “My 600-lb Life,” “1000-lb Sisters” has a dedicated fan base cheering Amy and Tammy on their weight loss journey and other life challenges. While many adore the sisters for their humor and bond, others worry about their inconsistent efforts to take care of their health.

Efforts Toward Health

Throughout each season, Amy and Tammy strive to eat healthier and exercise more, guided by healthcare professionals. Their journeys, however, are filled with ups and downs, often succumbing to their food addiction, much to the disappointment of their doctors and themselves.

Amy’s Motivation and Struggles

Amy began the series as the lighter sister and aimed to get pregnant, a goal achievable only if she lost weight. Her determination fluctuated, but she managed to shed pounds to qualify for surgery.

The Show’s Start and Dramatic Moments

“1000-lb Sisters” first aired in January 2020. Amy and Tammy had to weigh themselves at a junkyard due to their size. Amy weighed 406 pounds, while Tammy weighed 605 pounds. Despite their tears, they supported each other in their journey toward a healthier life.

Health Scares and Lessons

Tammy faced severe health scares, including COVID-19 and a near-death experience that led to a tracheotomy. These incidents taught her to appreciate life more and not take it for granted.

Family Tensions

The sisters have had conflicts, such as when Tammy refused to use an electric wheelchair at an amusement park, leading to tension within the family. Fans often criticized Tammy’s behavior on social media.

Amy’s Progress and Setbacks

Despite her initial progress, Amy had setbacks, such as indulging in forbidden foods shortly after her gastric bypass surgery. This led to disappointment from her doctor but motivated her to take her health seriously.

Achieving Her Goals

Amy’s determination paid off when she had her first child, Gage, in November 2020. Despite some setbacks, she continued to lose weight, reaching 250 pounds by February 2022, even while pregnant with her second child.

Amy’s Diet and Lifestyle Changes

Amy credits her weight loss to healthier eating habits influenced by her son, Gage. She craves healthier foods like salads with chicken breast and has reduced binge eating. Her new lifestyle has allowed her to be more active and present for her son.


Amy and Tammy Slaton’s journey on “1000-lb Sisters” is full of challenges and triumphs. Their story inspires many viewers to pursue their health goals and shows the importance of support and determination in overcoming obstacles. How has Amy’s weight loss journey inspired you? Share your thoughts and pass this along to friends and family.

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